Unjustified resurgence of anti-Swidden regulation

Unjustified resurgence of anti-Swidden regulation

Sep 7, 2015 - 2:52pm

The last few months have seen the unjustified resurgence of anti-swidden regulation and sentiment in


One of the best parts of being an academic is working and engaging with different students at the post-graduate level. While this list is not exhaustive, I have worked with the following students:

Prasetio Wickasano, REDD+ Measurementality, Indonesia (Geography, University of Melbourne)
Paula Satizabal, Institutional Dynamics of Artisanal Fisheries in coastal Columbia (Geography, University of Melbourne)

Sarah Webb, PhD (2015), Palawan Studies (Anthropology, University of Queensland)
Will Smith, PhD (2015), Palawan Studies (Anthropology, University of Queensland)
Fern Thompsett, Honours (2012), Political Ecology of the Wild Rivers Campaign (Anthropology, University of Queensland)